
About Kaywanda 

Kaywanda Lamb is an author, speaker, blogger, soon to be podcaster, and The Winning Single Mom. Her journey to being a sought out speaker, encourager to single moms everywhere, and a transformational business coach began when her boys were just 2 years old and 2 months. Kaywanda had a choice to make: to stay in a relationship that didn’t honor her or to raise her boys as a single mom. She decided to #doitanyway and has spent the last 16 years showing other women they, too, can parent, thrive, and win. She returned to college 4 times in that span, holds a Masters in Spanish Literature, runs 3 businesses, and is a certified principal. Her motto is “do it anyway!” because you can dream about it or you can be about it.

Kaywanda hosts a brunch series around the U.S. called Brunch and Love which includes a luxury brunch experience for single moms plus wisdom from today’s top relationship experts. Kaywanda believes women can chase their dreams and raise great children but single doesn’t have to be forever. And she is opening a beta version of “The Single Mom Success Academy™” summer 2019 where she will teach single moms to create a side hustle or business to sustain them and their families.

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