
Wow! As I think about the brunch yesterday, I just say ‘Wow!’. It was amazing. I extended an offer to 12 women to come connect, eat, network, and find support. I invited single moms I knew and I opened it up to women online and in the Dallas area.

The venue was superb and cute- Ida Claire in Dallas. They have fancy, Southern cuisine that makes your mouth go “Ooooh. Aaaaah. Yummmm.” Lol! Delish!

Alas, many signed up, but only one showed up.

Now, some would say it was a failure. Not me! As I was planning the event, I said, “God, help me be just what these women need. Whoever shows up, let them leave better.”

You know we do that as women. We go  straight to failure if it didn’t fit the dream we had. We second guess our awesome, we judge our successes by other people’s, and we stand back in false humility when we really ROCK!

Farm Bird is the name.. Glory is what I call it. My lunch at Ida Claire.

However, we should be judging ourselves by how far we’ve come, the lives we have touched, and the fact that we started…Darn it! I am enjoying this ride (myself). This pushing of me to new levels, so I can serve others is awesome!

One way I pushed myself was to host this brunch. Instead of planning for a year, for a bigger event, for whatever excuse I have been making, I just did it! And you know what, it was good. I learned what to do next time, I have one marketing wise. So win! But the value the young single mom received and the support she garnered was life-changing because she was the only one. Read on to find out how:


By kicking fear in the pants and coming to a brunch hosted by a stranger, she found community. She now has one more person she knows and one person that has gone through what she is going through.

I found someone to help push my purpose out. She found a guide to help her release hers. Win-Win.

Brunch in the Mobile at Ida Claire. Rashida Thomas came to support!


She gained insight into why she was tolerating what she was; she gained parenting tips; and she learned how to assess what she really wants in life. She learned it’s okay to want it and to move towards it.


She learned help is really a step out of timidity away. Also, you have to ask for help to get it. Where lies your breakthrough into peace, greatness, better? Who can you ask, what can you do, and where can you go to find it?


This is my fave! She found out how strong she was. As I was coaching her, my girls who came to support me stepped in. She found she could live her best life now and it was her who was standing in the way.

Don’t stay stuck in anything that does not serve you. Find your strength, and you’ll find your fight! 

Well chile, as one of my girlfriends said on Periscope, “You missed a good brunch. Be here next time.” Always make time for things that pour in to you (no shade. Doesn’t have to be my event). Make sure to come out next time and remember pouring into you is what I do, but you can also pour into yourself. It’s time to grow by going. Try something new. Get out of your comfort zone. Live!

If what you heard resonated with you and you need a Coach to help push you to purpose, sign up here for a free 15 minute strategy session with me.







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