Are you ready to start dating again but don’t know where to start?
Welcome Single Moms
When I became a single mom a few years after college, I didn’t have all the answers, but I knew I was going to survive, thrive, provide for my babies, and make it through this new season. And, I did. It was hard. It hurt. I cried a lot until one day, I had no more tears. NONE. I’ve been raising my two boys alone for 16 years. I made it. And now I know why I went through it.
All this pain and drama is what led me to being able to help single moms like you reclaim your dreams and transform your life.
Hey girl! I’m Kaywanda Lamb, The Winning Single Mom. I turned tragedy and heart break into triumph by the grace of God and my desire to do it anyway. I can teach you to reclaim your dreams, build a side hustle to supplement you, or even start your own business so struggling becomes a thing of the past. If you’re ready to get your coins together, sign up here for my academy waiting list. Let’s work together, so you can rise above the drama, the struggle, and the noise and rock it out! I may have started out rough, but one thing is for sure I’m a WINNER, and so are you! Let’s do it anyway!
A sought out speaker, coach, and event host, Kaywanda works to inspire every person she touches with her love of life, family, and God.
The Process
Kaywanda believes having enough is every family’s birthright. Raising a family alone is isn’t easy but can be done. It takes focus to build wealth and change the course of your family. Whether you want to create extra money or start your own business, Kaywanda will show you how in her 12-month academy or in one on one coaching. Kaywanda has done it and will show you how with her Single Mom Success Formula™. She believes in preparing single mothers to thrive by giving practical advice, real strategy, and digital and one on one support. Kaywanda has a unique process to help pinpoint your strengths, talents, and skillsets, so you can create extra income to help your family thrive and not just survive. Having launched multiple businesses, Kaywanda knows how to help you reach your goals while spending less money and time.

Hey mama! Wish you had more wisdom to help you as your parenting alone?
Are you a hard-working single mom working hard in your career and trying to balance it all?
Wish you knew someone who’s been where you are who can teach you to prioritize yourself, your needs, and your dreams? I can help.

This digital bundle includes all the things I’ve used to get my life organized down to my vision for my life, seeing goals, minding my money (you’re going to loooove this spreadsheet alone), and even what we eat. I’m sharing all the tools I used to help me stay on track and use my time wisely. This bundle includes 13 products that sold separately would easily be over $300. If you want to win at motherhood and at life, here is the starter kit to keep you organized and confident while parenting alone. Everyone needs a budget. I give you the spreadsheet I use to pay down debt and pay off 10 credit cards plus 8 extra goodies!

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