
Have you lost your steam yet? Or, are you still super geeked up about your new workout, new planner, a new fast, new job, new boo, new you, etc? Are you still poised to win?  Do you have the fuel to make the dream work long after the excitement has worn off? That is what I want to know. When no one else is around, how do YOU ensure you win? Ready to find out? Read on for my tips!

5 Ways to Win This Year

1. Set the Vision

If you follow me long enough, you’ll find I’m always discussing motivation, tackling dreams, movement, and vision. Listen, I know what it’s like to be down, heart-broken, and wondering with. And I know what it’s like to come out of those seasons and live my life to the full. How did I do it? I set my vision. Truthfully, as I got closer to God, He showed me my future was better than my right now (or my back then). Honey, let me tell you to cast your vision and then go get it. I wrote a lot more about vision here and here. Check it out!

2. Check the vision often

When we get excited about life and start moving in the right direction, sometimes we can get stuck. Listen, do not be afraid to check your vision often. If you are not careful, other folks will plan your life for you. When you notice that, get back on track. Check back often to your original purpose and plan. You have gifts sis. Somebody is looking for what you possess. Get up. Get going!

3. Be intentional to Win

Oh yes, be intentional. If you don’t plan on it, you will not get it every time. We know the old adage, “If you hit at nothing, you will hit it every time.” Right! Hit at something. Start small but move. Your future is bright if you will tell you right now it CANNOT be your always! Be intentional about what you want your home, family, spouse, job, etc. to look like. Listen, I don’t mean we gone all have a Boris Kodjoe (mercy!) walking around. But, you don’t have to take “Boo Boo da Fool” either! Be intentional. Read more on that here. Yaas honey! I got you covered.


4. Get an Accountability Partner

Having a tribe, a row, your crew around you will make you soar to new heights. Listen, in my own life I’ve grown by leaps and bounds because people believed in me. I know this to be true so much that I devoted an entire chapter to it in my new book. You must go to grow. And in your growing, you must connect with people who are going where you’re going or who are already there. You want to win? Get an accountability partner to go the distance with you. With one, you can make it. But add in a purpose partner! Chile, get ready to soar! Read more about building your tribe in my new book Do It Anyway! on Kindle.


5. Reflect, Readjust, and Move 

It is not easy to sit down as a mom let alone a single one! But, you must. Take time and rest. You can save the world every day and be out of breath to save yourself. Learn to reflect on what was good, bad, indifferent. Know how to readjust when the course is not right. Learn to move forward after a wrong move or a setback.

Get up! DO IT ANYWAY!!!!! I want you to win. Get rid of half-doing life. No more barely showing up at home. No more bringing home the bacon and being too tired to eat. See your life and hours differently. Take time and love on you, pause, pray, reflect.

If you want to win, and you aren’t doing any of these 5, your year will be like all the other years. But, if you are serious about changing your life, take some time to get quiet, figure out what you want, then … Do It Anyway! Single parenting is not easy. Oh no! It’s like drinking water from a water hose, and you know that never works out. Lol! (I’m a Louisiana girl) Take it from me, you water the ground more than you quench your thirst trying to drink from a hose.


Sis, I want you to drink from a full cup and lay down in peace. Translation: You can have all you set your heart on when you work for it, remove what doesn’t serve you, and be willing to reflect, readjust, move, get your tribe together, and live your life.  Love on your babies! This is yours for the taking. Be intentional about what you want. Get quiet about it and just do it. You owe YOU your best life. Go get it! I’m rooting for you!

What would you add to the list? How will you ensure you win this year? Inquiring minds want to know!



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