

Are you ready for this! What I really want is life, health, strength, safety, and a clean home. To know my kiddos are safe is a great day for me. To know we have the little things makes me hapoy. So many are dealing with the pain of loss that I feel almost selfish for saying that. But, it’s my truth. No frills, gifts, etc. Just peace and safety. Oh! And a clean house. With two teen boys, clean can sometimes be relative. If you ask my boys, it’s certainly not going to be the same definition I have. So, what are you looking forward to on Mother’s Day? I’d love to hear from you!

If they bring you one more heart-shaped card and a craft you can’t recognize, just smile knowing it is the thought that counts. These years go by so quickly. Enjoy them!


Now, if God sees fit to send Boaz, I will take that! Really quickly. Haha! Ladies, I know you understand me. 

Parenting and life in general isn’t easy. Love It Anyway!

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