
It’s interesting how we always have time to take care of every one else, but our needs often go unmet. Until…yeah, we fall apart. So, I have a remedy for this. It’s called the “mommy break”.  You may call it self-care or loving on you, but it must be done to keep your sanity and your home running smoothly.

Yes, I take a break from my lovely children and get a coffee, grab a bite to eat and see a movie, etc. I take a break and do something for me. This doesn’t make me a bad person, and it won’t make you a bad one either. In fact, it makes you better. Single parenting is tough. We need to decompress sometimes and find balance. Treat yourself to a mommy break SOON! Find a sitter you trust or trade-off with a girlfriend whose kids you can watch while she takes a break. I promise it will be well worth it!

Take time for you. Schedule hectic? No time to do so?

Do it anyway!

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