
Question: If you give all of you away without being replenished, what good is that? Exactly. Rest is key. It is not selfish to rest. It is not selfish to say no. It is being responsible when you see that to take care of everyone else, you must first take care of you.

As single parents, we are masters are doing a million things at once, running on empty, and holding down the fort. But, every now and again, we’ve got to snap out of it and find balance. When you do this five things occur:
1. You are happier
2. Everyone one else is happy you’re happy
3. You get recharged to take on the next task
You get time to think about a better more simple way to do life
5. You are improving your health by reducing stress thus improving your ability to be around longer for the ones you love

So, when was the last time you took some “me time”? Loads to do, places to go, and people to see? Life is short. Do It Anyway!


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