
This post is my contribution to National Black Woman Heal Day: a call for unity and healing among Black women. 

I met the organizer Lilada on @twitter and loved her idea. Read on!

It is a sad but prevalent problem I address today- sisterhood among women of color. Ask any career woman, and she will tell you some women are hard to work for and with, and are  not willing to use their time to mentor other women. Now, before you jump all over me, keep reading. I don’t mean you. And, I don’t mean all women. I mean some women I have seen in my own professional experienes or heard about from other women.

As women, in general, we need to do better. We need to look out for and protect each other. It does not hurt you to teach another woman “the ropes” or share some new learning or experiences that will empower another woman to do better. We in the African American (AA) community, especially, could use a do-over in the area of sisterly love. There are enough societal ills, battles to fight on the job, and negative stereotypes about black women to deal with already. Lets not add salt to wounds already inflicted by life.  So, be a sister even if you don’t look alike. Take some time and love on other women today. We all need a helping hand at some point. As super as we are, we are not perfect all the time. Someone needs your help, time, talents, expertise, opinion, etc. Tell me. Are you available to be a sister today?    

I get it. Im focused, too. But, we must all find time to uplift and encourage a “sister”. Being mean and cliquish helps no one. In fact, learning to make new friends could improve your social life in so many ways. 

It will expand your circle, help you make connections, allow you an outlet to engage with like-minded women, and maybe even bring you a new best friend.

I know some people have been betrayed, but every woman isn’t like that. So don’t treat them as such. Isn’t it time you healed from the lie that we’re all the same? Come on. It may be hard, but try anyway. Try to let another sister in. You just might find an ally and friend to do this journey. Isn’t that what life’s all about?

I pray you are encouraged and inspired. Share with women who can use a push to try again. Know that you can go exactly where you want in your career and life, but with a true friend and sister supporting you, you can get there faster.

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