
  You may not have all the answers on how this thing you’re working on will actually work, but that is no excuse to stop. Now is it? Noneof us   can see the road ahead. None. We only see the end because that is the vision we received.  You know, the spark you saw when you first dared to dream. But, because life throws us some curveballs, sometines we want to say “Forget it.” Or, we’re tempted to think “I’ll just be mediocre.” You know what? Walk on anyhow. 

There is something about perserverance that cannot be explained. It is the key ingredient you need to connect the dots from your dream to achieving your goal. Without it, there is no attainment of the prize. 

Hear me. Just because you had a set back, just because someone walked away, or just because it’s hard is no reason to stop chasing your dream. No reason.

Life is full of choices. You must choose to be brave, to fight for what you say you want, and to build up your belief in you. You can absolutely be great. But you cannot if you think you can’t. Hmmmm.

What is keeping you from your goals? Your dreams? Your new and improved life? Sounds like it’s time to jump ship from doubt to self awareness. I think you’re awesome. But, what you think is all that matters.

The road ahead may be long, tedious, and full of hard choices, Walk It Anyway!

In life, love, and faith,

Do It Anyway!

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