
Hey sis! Do you ever feel like you still don’t know why you are here? Yep, I know the feeling. People struggle with this question who are not single moms. So, add caring for and providing for our little loves into the equation and it gets confusing to say the least. Well, I want you to know that you do have a purpose and you can balance your life. Now, you will have to work toward having balance and you will have to seek your purpose. But, I promise. They are there! They are calling you.

In my own life, I had to do the work of moving from a weary, hurting, worn out, tired, and depressed single mom of two small toddlers who knew greater was out there for me but I couldn’t reach it. Really and truly, I had to fight my way out of that and into being a woman who knew who she was and owned her awesome! That sis, is what I want for you! I want you to see your beauty, and I want to see you walking around happy, healthy, whole and healed! To do that requires work. I speak from experience.

You have to get to a point where you see your best life for yourself.

I talk a lot about finding balance and pursuing purpose because I know firsthand in my own life and from the women I serve that this is a constant struggle. Please know you can master these. They don’t have to allude you. Finding balance takes as much work as it takes you to sit down and get quiet with yourself. You have to look at your life and see where you are saying yes and you should be saying no. Balance is found in you releasing what does not serve. Let it go.

In my new book, I wanted to tackle these two topics as well as 10 more. I said, “If I can write a book that will change lives, what do I put in it?” It was my pleasure to ponder what would help another single mom like me wake up and want live again.

Why would anyone want to do this? Well, what drives me is the single mom that doesn’t yet know her purpose, has lost sight of who she is in raising her babies and struggles with balancing a career and home life.  I can’t stand it that a good mom is out there and  thinks she can only have the life she lost when he walked away. I write for that single mom.

I write for you to be empowered, inspired, driven again, to Do It Anyway!

I had and still have so much to say. But, I settled on 12 lessons that I know will bless your life.

The truth is I never thought my life would be the backdrop for my purpose. NEVER! I never thought my pain would breed purpose and that my purpose would lead me to this! What is this you say? This is me waking up every day wanting to write and to share my story with other single moms. The burning desire to help you to overcome and move into your destiny is amazing, and I am so thankful to have gone through what I did because now I help other women break free. Woo!

I know that helping moms helps their kids. When you rise up and walk in who you are, your kids get an amazing role model and guide. Their quality of life improves because you are able to do so much more as you move in your gifts. I want to see your families blessed.

In Do It Anyway, I talk about purpose, healing, branching out of our comfort zones, building community, and many more lessons to help you prosper as a single mom. As a career woman and entrepreneur, I know the struggle to balance and do it all. So, I write with this in mind to show you how to get it right and tight! I also get into the not so pretty moments of my story and share my story of overcoming. This is how I KNOW you can do it, too!

I’m so excited to bring this book to you! I know it will make your situation brighter and give you insights to get your life moving in the direction you want.

Click here to pre-orderDo It Anyway! and get the first 3 chapters delivered to your inbox today and the digital pdf and ebook on October 15th. For paperback books, delivery starts November 15th. Let’s get ready to Do It Anyway! 


This blog discusses my journey as a broken single mom to being an alive single mom that loves her life. I share my new book which has 12 lessons + my real life drama that I went through. My goal is to help other single moms not just survive but thrive. Click through for insights from "Do It Anyway! The Single Moms Guide to Living Life and Achieving Her Goals" is for all single moms ready to pursue their purpose and rock the lives they have.

It’s here! Do It Anyway!


Keep dreaming, keep pushing, Do It Anyway!

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