
As you know, I had a rough start as a single mom. It was beautiful because of my babies. It was rough because I was hurting and raising my babies. I know you may be in that same space. Please know healing is very much an option if you were hurt and it is going to happen for you.

Here are 5 Tips to help you heal now!

1. Let go

Yeah, it’s easier said than done, but washing your hands of the hurt will bless you. Keep trying to let it go. One day you will be done with it. Hurt’s power over you won’t be so strong. We can hurt so long that it becomes comfortable. But let me tell you what true comfort is… a healed you. Give you and your kids that wonderful gift!

2. Get Friends involved

Get an accountability partner to help you snap back when you need it. Hurt can hold you longer than it should. Get friends to go on the journey with you so they can help you see clearly.

3. Look at what you really want

What’s keeping you bound and hurting? What has you angry, upset, and stuck? Is it worth it? Probably not. Look at what is… not at what could be and then judge accordingly.

4. Open your eyes

So often our better is just ahead. But, when we are hurting, we can’t see it. Open your eyes to the possibility of better. It’s there. Go get it!

5. Get moving in your purpose

There’s nothing like a fresh dose of purpose to get you moving in the right direction. Something outside of you that helps others is sometimes just what you need to wake up and get into action.

As single moms, we have to parent sometimes in the throes of hurting and healing. I know it’s hard, but you gotta do it anyway! Your children need you to show up.

Keep pushing sis and one day you’ll find your heart is yours again. Not broken. Not bitter. Whole. Happy. Healthy. Healed.

Would you add any more to the list? Comment and let’s chat healing.


For a more in-depth discussion on healing, check out my new book Do It Anyway! The Single Mom’s Guide to Living Life and Achieving Her Goals. 

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