
There is a not so unknown secret sauce to attracting and dating someone that is a great fit for your single mom life. You put yourself last and sacrifice so much already. Wouldn’t it be great to spend time someone that focused on you? So what is this secret? Well, you may have even heard it before. “Know what makes you happy.” Like I said, I know you’ve heard it. Clarity on what makes you happy is important, because if you do not know, how can someone else know.

Make a list and check it twice. Sometimes it’s not enough to make a mental list, so no Sis, make a pen-to-paper or fingers-to-keyboard list. In business they have something called standard operating procedures. In love, we’ll call these standard happiness procedures. It’s not this ridiculous list that only Jesus himself can come down and fulfill. Instead it’s a compilation of the things that someone can come in your life to do or be to compliment your happiness. Did you catch that? Not make you happy, but COMPLIMENT your happiness.

Got that done? Great. Thought you were finished? No. That was just the beginning. It’s easy to list what someone else can and should do. Now it’s your turn. What can YOU do to make yourself happy? What are things you enjoy doing alone? What are things you can do for yourself to put a smile on your own face? Make your list. This list is even more crucial than the first list. Routinely doing the things on this list to stay in the energy of happy, will attract dating potentials that were pulled in by the happy you. You make you happy. Happy you attracts men that enjoy it when you are happy. And you know exactly what they can be and do to compliment your already happy self. See? Simple. But Honey, to apply it is a true game changer!

Be happy to attract happy, Sis.

It all starts with confidence. I have just the thing to help you out right HERE.


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