Good Love. Anita Baker sang about it and boy did she sing! We all want it. We all need it. But how do we find it? Well, this post (short and sweet) attempts to do just that. Read on for my 3 cents! The Hard Part Cent # 1: God is love. Get your relationship right with...
With the summer upon us, I thought it would be nice to start a weekly theme. So you know, we “can go up! on a Tuesday” (corny song in my head). On Tuesdays, I’ll discuss anything that fits my fancy (or yours) that inspires us to get up, out, enjoy,...
You may not have all the answers on how this thing you’re working on will actually work, but that is no excuse to stop. Now is it? Noneof us can see the road ahead. None. We only see the end because that is the vision we received....
As much as I would love to sleep in, I can’t. See, two things wake me up. Every. Time. One is purpose. The other is my body clock. Purpose is what I have to accomplish. It’s not just a list or “some abstract hard to describe” thing. It’s...
To all the moms out there, I wish you a beautiful day of love and rest. We do so much, give so much of ourselves and we never take it for granted. In fact, we don’t see it as work. It’s deeper than that. It’s purpose. It’s inexplicable....