In this edition of #singlemomsunday I discuss a very serious topic all single moms face especially as we begin to date again and consider marriage. The topic: Do I want to have another baby? Listen, the face of my 14-year-old says it all. That half-smile was his...
On the heels of an apparent parenting debacle by the uber-talented Charlize Theron (per some online sources which I shall weigh in on in a just a tad), I write this post on a topic near and dear to my heart- parenting. And more importantly, our right to parent as we...
Hey now! These parenting tips were brought on by a fun periscope that I did this morning. I’ve had some newbie parents ask me questions and some “about to be” parents, and so I said let me post about the things you just have to get over. Yes, I have...
Hey mamas! It’s Sunday, and what a lovely day it is! You know I’m all about loving you by carving out time to enjoy life with your friends, loved ones, or alone. We all need to recharge our batteries sometimes. So please do just that! Also, don’t...
My boys are typical teens. They tune me out, eat up all my food, play video games, and sleep. And if I allowed them, that is all they would do. But, not in my house. From time to time, I take their devices and implement family night. Yes! Mandatory togetherness. Lol!...