Single Mom Sunday Single Mom Sunday is my way to connect with single moms all over the world on Periscope and my blog. We gather at 7 pm Central Standard Time every Sunday on Periscope to discuss various topics and to get connected and inspired. On the blog, there is...
Yay! It’s #SingleMomSunday, and today’s guest post is from one of my favorite women ever. She is an amazing writer and the personification of doing it anyway as you will see. Ella Rucker is both my mentor and friend, and I am so pleased she decided to...
Wow! Hasn’t time flown by! We have finished over half of the year. Are you where you want to be? I mean. Let’s be honest: goal-setting usually happens in January and most of us fall off soon after we start. I know. Ouch! But, we do. Or, should...
Happy Father’s Day! I have some single dads that follow me and so today…I show them love. I appreciate you guys! This is not a life you choose. This single life is what we are given. We do our best and make the most of it. Because I feel your pain on...
Hi Overcomers! I have really been listening to my fellow parents who write in and want to know How do I do it ALL. Well, it has taken me years, but I have learned to see my day and schedule differently. I now place a high premium on my time, my joy, and my peace. No...