Hi Overcomers! I have really been listening to my fellow parents who write in and want to know How do I do it ALL. Well, it has taken me years, but I have learned to see my day and schedule differently. I now place a high premium on my time, my joy, and my peace. No time wastin here. (Well, gorging on Orange is the New Black doesn’t count)
Before, like some, my day handled me. What I mean is -I used to just let life happen to me and I then tried to roll with it. Nope! Won’t work. To enjoy life, you have to know what you are doing, when you are doing it, where you are going, how long you’ll be there, and this is key- what you can do while you’re doing that. Hacking time is a fancy way to say “Get yourself together so you can live!”
Working mindfully and purposefully allows me time to “shut it all down” and enjoy my boys, friends and family when I want to. You CAN have a better life. You just gotta learn to hack time.
In the audio, you’ll hear me get real personal, laugh a little, and show you how to work your hours, i.e.,hack time.
Love on you today! And Do It Anyway!
Great News!
The book launch is July. And, I am beginning the coaching/mentoring side of my business this July. I would love to help you see your life differently. Also, sign up for the newsletter to hear more! I’ll never spam you and I’ll only send when I have something of value to share. I look forward to the journey!
Hi, love the photo with your boys and the matching shirts. Good points about the importance of knowing what you are doing ahead of time. I’m an air sign, so I tend to be spur of the moment at times. I have to constantly remind myself to say no to the shiny things and stick to my commitments. My heart breaks each time but it has to be done.
Karla, thank you! We had a blast taking those. You know we all have our days, but to stay on top of things, be in a happier space, and enjoy the little things planning ahead is a must. Not just planning or thinking ahead, but really committing to doing this thing at this time can create free time later. Yay! We all need that. Thank you for coming by the blog. I hope to see more!
Hi, love the photo with your boys and the matching shirts. Good points about the importance of knowing what you are doing ahead of time. I’m an air sign, so I tend to be spur of the moment at times. I have to constantly remind myself to say no to the shiny things and stick to my commitments. My heart breaks each time but it has to be done.
Karla, thank you! We had a blast taking those. You know we all have our days, but to stay on top of things, be in a happier space, and enjoy the little things planning ahead is a must. Not just planning or thinking ahead, but really committing to doing this thing at this time can create free time later. Yay! We all need that. Thank you for coming by the blog. I hope to see more!