Hey busy mama! I hear you. You’re rolling with the speed of life. Doing the best you can. But, just like you put healthy food into your body, you must put healthy information into your mind. What are you feeding you? Tell yourself you’re gonna make it. Do not feed yourself the lies of defeat and “maybe next time”. Get up and get after it! Your dreams that is. Decrease the negative. Increase the positive. You can do things like read The Bible, extend your prayer time, start reading a devotional or inspirational self-help book, play inspirational upbeat music, etc. You know what your zone is. Pencil in time to do what makes you happy.
Put more good into you. I know I get busy. When that happens, tired is the next stop on the endless ride of “I’m doing too much”. So, what do I do to change that flow? I get centered. Being busy sometimes has us cut out our most precious time- time with God. Yet, when life gets crazy, we can then miraculously find time. Lol! Right? So, to avoid the burnout, let’s get centered.
On Motivation Monday, I challenge you to take care of you by putting the good in. I am listening to gospel as I type and work. It’s good to worship before my day starts. Join me.
What’s your favorite song to get you going? I’d love to hear it!
Do It Anyway!
Oh, have you read Chapter 1 of my new book?You should. It’s all about healing so you can Do It Anyway! And it’s free! Ch. 2 is dropping soon by newsletter, so sign up by email. Woo! Let’s make this year the beginning of greater!