
I posted a pic of me and my boys tonight on twitter. Made me emotional. I miss when they were young, playing around my feet, being so cute, and giving me the time of day.


Now, they smell weird, eat all the food, and want to be on technology all the time. Can you relate? Haha! I know. What do I feel? I feel love, joy, nostalgia, and excitement for what is to come. But, I remember also how hard it was when they were small. I do not glorify it as if it was easy to raise two little ones at once. But, I remember the beauty and simplicity of us. I also look forward to growing great young men. And yes! Leading the next chapter of my life. Call me cold, shallow, weird. I won’t sit here and say that I don’t look forward to the years ahead, but I also appreciate the years gone by.

Sometimes, I want another baby. Then, I don’t. Then I do. I mean they are the cutest! Aren’t they! But, life will be what it is. And I have two beautiful gifts. My job is to raise them the best I can. And sometimes my gifts give me a hard time. Do your kiddos try to rock the boat? Yeah, join the club. But you know what, the work you’re doing is incredible. Don’t give up.

I jest sometimes about not being able to wait until they’re grown. You know, when they are being moody teens (which I’m finding is daily). Lol! But, we make it through those patches because they are mine and I love them too much. And yeah, you snd I, we’re the parents so we’re like made to be the “bad guys” who know everything except when our kids are young only to be proved right when they’re old and have kids. Lol! Which is why I sometimes long to have a college freshman.

Can we get real for a second? I mean really get real? You also look forward to it. Maybe not the freshman thing, but the better days. It’s natural. When it’s hard we want to pass by those times quickly. Let me tell you to slow down and enjoy those moments. I used to wish for the days when they could fix their own sandwiches. I now long for the days when I was able do it all and kept a clean house. Haha! The point: Life won’t ever be perfect and you may never be satisfied. Love your babies and enjoy them. They grow up all too soon.

In all you do, do it anyway!

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